A gorgeous staircase is more than just a route from a floor to next one, Staircase which is generally made from different size, shape and material is the integral part of home that gives aesthetics appearance. One should not afraid to try something out of the box as our sharp engineering and artful construction brings beauty to an otherwise utilitarian feature at your home.

Our Rates

Duration Weekday
Monday to Friday: 8am-6pm
Weekday Evening
Monday to Sunday: 6pm-8am
Weekends and Bank Holidays
Weekends and Bank Holidays
Per Half Hour
With Minimum of 1-hour order
Per Hour
Half Day
Based on 4-hours
Full Day
Based on 8-hours

* Any Additional hours after 8 hours will be charged as hourly basis rate.

* We accept EMERGENCY CALLS 24/7

* We accept PROJECT WORKS also

* We accept card payments or Cash on spot

